Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A prayer...

My God i beg for mercy upon your church. For too long have we been idle with our hearts towards the Lost. Yes, with our tongues we ask you would save, and with our flesh we may offer truth, but God there is lack! We are not broken. Our eyes are blind to the weight of sin, our hearts are numb to its pain. God WE BEG that you save us! Remind your bride that She was PURCHASED by YOU! That she was not worthy in herself, she was not fit, but she found grace, mercy, and love in your sight. May we, Lord, have the same compassion for those who are still without you.

God, we lift up those who are bound by homosexuality. God we plead for your eyes of LOVE! That we may see them as you do, as people who were fashioned in Your image, but living without HOPE! God may they see their WORTH! God, though we are a wretch without You, and nothing more than children of wrath, you still saw that we ARE worth the BLOOD of Christ! God, they are not cheap, they are not worth what someone will idly give for physical or emotional affection. THEY ARE NOT CHEAP! They cost You Your SON! God, may we see that we are ALL humbled by the Love of the Cross!

God, may the chains that weigh them down be shattered by Your glory. May we be Your willing hands and feet to run swiftly to the sick, and aid those in need with Your healing blood.

Lord we are arrogant and foolish. We are far too prone to remain back, "clean" and "pure" in our own eyes, and the eyes of those we aim to please on this earth. Daddy may we NOT CARE! May we not be concerned by any means what the people around us think! I pray our reputation of vanity on this earth would be abandoned God! That we would aim only to live for YOU and none else! God, you reached down into this filth and saved us, how can we NOT desire to do the same for those whom we are no better than?

Fill us with your Love, and in that love may a humble boldness be established in our hearts. May we know and understand the humility that comes in recognizing the cross, but may we see the authority in Who we represent as we stand on the FOUNDATION OF THE CROSS!

God, I ask that you would send this laborer out into the harvest! I beg you to reach down Your divine hand of love and mercy and touch these lost hearts, and prove Yourself a loving God to them.

You take the heart of stone and make it flesh, do that work Lord, i pray. We ask in Jesus Holy, Precious, and Saving Name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It's so weird because this is what I was thinking about doing my PDS on! Thanks Daniel it truly is a blessing to see you heart and the work the Lord is doing in you. This should be something we pray continually.
    God Bless
    Jessica C.
