Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A prayer...

My God i beg for mercy upon your church. For too long have we been idle with our hearts towards the Lost. Yes, with our tongues we ask you would save, and with our flesh we may offer truth, but God there is lack! We are not broken. Our eyes are blind to the weight of sin, our hearts are numb to its pain. God WE BEG that you save us! Remind your bride that She was PURCHASED by YOU! That she was not worthy in herself, she was not fit, but she found grace, mercy, and love in your sight. May we, Lord, have the same compassion for those who are still without you.

God, we lift up those who are bound by homosexuality. God we plead for your eyes of LOVE! That we may see them as you do, as people who were fashioned in Your image, but living without HOPE! God may they see their WORTH! God, though we are a wretch without You, and nothing more than children of wrath, you still saw that we ARE worth the BLOOD of Christ! God, they are not cheap, they are not worth what someone will idly give for physical or emotional affection. THEY ARE NOT CHEAP! They cost You Your SON! God, may we see that we are ALL humbled by the Love of the Cross!

God, may the chains that weigh them down be shattered by Your glory. May we be Your willing hands and feet to run swiftly to the sick, and aid those in need with Your healing blood.

Lord we are arrogant and foolish. We are far too prone to remain back, "clean" and "pure" in our own eyes, and the eyes of those we aim to please on this earth. Daddy may we NOT CARE! May we not be concerned by any means what the people around us think! I pray our reputation of vanity on this earth would be abandoned God! That we would aim only to live for YOU and none else! God, you reached down into this filth and saved us, how can we NOT desire to do the same for those whom we are no better than?

Fill us with your Love, and in that love may a humble boldness be established in our hearts. May we know and understand the humility that comes in recognizing the cross, but may we see the authority in Who we represent as we stand on the FOUNDATION OF THE CROSS!

God, I ask that you would send this laborer out into the harvest! I beg you to reach down Your divine hand of love and mercy and touch these lost hearts, and prove Yourself a loving God to them.

You take the heart of stone and make it flesh, do that work Lord, i pray. We ask in Jesus Holy, Precious, and Saving Name, Amen.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

live where you are, not where you'll be...

No matter where you are, if you are the Lords, then you are the Lords...

Life is not meant to be lived in the days of tomorrow. it is meant to be filled with the moments of now. you can not live in china while you are still on Hot Springs Rd. Though you may be called to go to such a land, you are first called to LIVE!

Be about your Father's business... His business is LOVE. if you ever wish to find the treasures of your calling in latter days, learn to seek them now. Cherish the intimacy available to you with your Saviour, and lavish the overflowing love on all that are around you.

For how can you truly love those whom you have not seen, if you can't love those that you have seen? Yes, i encourage you to keep the burden that is given to you for a land in need, but do not let that burden consume you. it is a blessing from the Lord to experience such a love, but if not kept in its place, it may deprive others of all that the Lord has given you for the "now" and in turn, deprive you of the testimony the Lord desires to build in your life.

You are where you are, and you are the Lords. You do not live for a calling, but for the One who has called. Seek His face, so yours may shine and bring Him glory.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

getting where i am going, and what brought me to going at all...

London, Paris, maybe Tokyo... wherever it may be, so long as Who i am with remains the same, contentment and satisfaction will remain mine, for i am His.

Nearly 5 years ago i chose to embark on a journey. a life filled with adventure. a life filled with the ultimate highs. where weak and lame are brought to a place where clouds are at their very feet. yet in the same breath, the mightiest man of valor is brought lower than the darkest seas. For he sees, the man that he really is.

Redeemed into this life, i am choosing to count all things as loss, that i may gain more of the One who i call my Love, Christ. though i am young and foolish, my God has saw fit to use this foolish thing that i am, to confound the wise.

I first thought, as many sometimes do, that i could make my plans, ask the Lord to bless them, and that would suffice. No. The Lord directs our steps and The Lord has a plan and a purpose for his children, and that is to love Him and to love others.

I won't be telling how i arrived at that place 5 years ago, or how i arrived at this place now. but i will tell you how i am getting where i am going, and what brought me to going at all...

I was taking a two week leave from all that i was committed to, simply that i may have a break to regain focus on life. as time pressed on and i prayed what the Lord would have me to do, nothing rang clear in my heart. so i continued to seek his face in hopes i would know in time. one week before i was scheduled to depart for wherever i was going, the Lord spoke-- Seattle.

A foolish and dear friend of mine was used in my life to give me the conviction i needed to go in confidence. i was to pack my things and head north to Emerald City.

I had made my attempts to get connected, but they came to no avail. yet, my Lord had said to GO and i would not deny his call. the evening came and i was on my way. in two days time, i had arrived.

My God had heard all my prayers on that quiet trip, and He answered them in abundance. Immediately i was welcomed into a family, a family that acted as though they had known me and been awaiting my return for so long. i grew to love them tenderly, and they me. as the place for them in my heart grew and grew, the Lord pressed upon me to count the cost of all that would be left behind, if i were to stay with this new family of mine.

Days went by with laughter and thanksgiving, yet my heart was still burdened to know my Daddy's heart. as i weighed everything on the scale of my life, i realized i need not worry, for i am being pruned. i have been blessed for my faithfulness in abiding in the vine of Living Grace. rich fruit has come from this life, and as any trained vine dresser knows, pruning must take place, so more fruit may grow.
I take heart in knowing that this fruit is an eternal fruit, that it is not in vain and not to waste. i will be with those that are being cut away from my life in due time, and that is beautiful.

So now, i continue to fix my eyes on the Planner, not my plan. For He is the One who keeps me faithful, He is the One that has called me to such a life, and He is the One that will carry me through.

I ask for your prayers on my journey, and tell you, DRAW NEAR to your Saviour. That is the purpose of these stories, to further open your eyes to the Love of your King, as i tell you how He has loved me.